

学生教师候选人希望在完成其学生教学学期的同时寻找一份记录教师的工作. HLGU policy regarding teacher-of-record placement for student teachers is as follows: the student teacher candidate must possess satisfactory upper level field experience/practicum dispositions (no score of less than 3 on any disposition); the student teacher candidate must write a letter to the 教师教育委员会 requesting permission to complete student teaching as a teacher-of-record; and submit two recommendation forms from his/her academic advisor and an upper level course methods instructor. 教师教育委员会将进行投票,并且必须以四分之三的票数通过,才能批准教师候选人的在职许可. 请诚实地回答这些问题,以帮助教师教育委员会决定是否允许该候选人申请学区.
